
There's no such thing as too often to celebrate the amazing women writers and artists who inspire me, and I've had some lovely opportunities to do so recently...

Starting with Luce Irigaray, Sally Potter, Lucía Puenzo and Joan Roughgarden, whose ideas and images all make an appearance in Kiss Off, a beautiful new chapbook from the Michael Marks award-winning Oystercatcher Press, is now available for a tasty £4. I'll be reading from it at the Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio in Cambridge on Friday October 14th to welcome John Kinsella as the 2011-12 Judith E. Wilson Fellow.

Before that, I'll be at the BFI this Saturday, 8th October, to talk about Maya Deren as part of Maya Deren: New Reflections. I'll be talking about femmes (fatale and otherwise), feminism, hair, oceans, mirrors, magic and more. In fact, I'll be at the BFI most days in October, blogging about the London Film Festival for Sight & Sound: I'll post links as I have them. I talk more about Deren in this post celebrating women and technology for Ada Lovelace Day

So that's literature and film... but music has also been crucial to me since the years of adolescent rebellion/moping, and I've finally written my first-ever album review, of Evangelista's In Animal Tongue, for The F-Word, who are also letting me review gigs by Tori Amos and Gillian Welch.